Google Medic Update

One of Google’s latest algorithm updates, the Google Medic Update, was introduced in August 2018.

Contrary to the name, not only medical sites were affected by this update, but it undoubtedly had the greatest impact on such sites. Many medical, dental, and pharmaceutical sites have suffered a drop in traffic, or even an increase, because of it.

What do we know about the update?

Not too much. Google did not give a precise definition of it.
Google has referred to its previous core updates that there are no fixed pages that always perform well, others say it’s about building good content.
According to Google, as with all updates, we can observe an increase in traffic for some websites and a decrease for others.

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Who is affected by the update?

  • Google calls it a broad, global update, but the update mainly affected YMYL, i.e. your money, your life, type sites. These are sites that focus on money and “life events”. Among other things:
  • Sites that ask for personal information such as IDs, bank account numbers, driver’s license numbers, which can even be used for identity theft.
  • Sites that use monetary transactions, on which the user can enter their bank account or bank card details, i.e. almost any site where you can make a purchase.
  • Sites that provide medical or health information that affects physical well-being.
  • Sites that provide life advice, such as parenting, buying a home, or buying a car.
  • Sites that offer solutions to financial issues, such as legal and financial consulting firms.
google medic


What Can we do?

According to Google, there is nothing we can do to fix the site. There is no possibility of repair, as there is nothing particularly wrong with these pages. They just don’t perform as well as the others.
This does not sound very good at first; but Google suggests that we can still work on the effectiveness of our website if we focus on a better experience, more valuable content and a more useful website in itself.

If we look at the constitution of the biggest winners, we see that they strive to adhere to the Quality Guidelines. The guidelines emphasize the importance of expertise, authoritativeness and trust (E.A.T – expertise, authoritativeness, trust)
Google is committed to providing users with the most valuable and relevant results. Which means that everything we make requires serious authenticity.


Google has implemented a huge algorithm update that affects search results, websites, web developers, and website owners alike.
The update of the Google Medic algorithm mostly affected smaller websites with less authority, and less so the larger and stronger websites. The biggest impact seems to have been on the health and medical sites though.

All we can do is try to make the site, content and user experience even better and work on small changes that can have a big impact on your ranking.

Also, it is still important to pay attention to well-known algorithm factors such as PageSpeed, HTTPS, mobile appearance and the technically correct functioning of the website.