Check your Google ranking with software

I have put together a short overview of how the Google position query works and why it is so important in the search engine optimization projects. If we want to understand this question, we need to talk a little about search engine optimization itself.

In the life of companies, search engine optimization goal is getting a better position in Google’s search results for the most important keywords. I don’t think it’s necessary to explain too much about the significance of this. The higher position we have on the most important keywords in the search results, the more visitors we will have and thus the income of our website.

During our 18-year-old work experience, we have met many different companies. There are those who already do this type of activity on a professional level, i.e. they check the Google rank positions of their keywords and actively optimize them for search engines. However, there are also those who have not even gotten to the point of assessing how they currently stand in Google’s search results. This document may help those who belong to the latter group.

In any case, the first step is to find out what positions we have, but if we take a step back and take a closer look at the problem, we see that this presupposes the performance of additional tasks on our part. An example is the appropriate and careful selection of keywords.

How to choose the right keywords for SEO?

At first glance, it may seem like a simple task, but if you think about it, it is not trivial at all. In any case, this is the first and fundamental step in querying positions and examining rankings.

But the search engine optimization process, also known as SEO, is not necessarily an activity aimed only at increasing traffic. There are companies that, so to speak, “professionally” or for reasons of prestige, must be at the top of several keywords on Google’s list.

For this reason, we are often approached with tasks when the company sees that its own brand name is not at the top of the organic lists. The latter can also be the goal of the SEO project.

Querying your Google positions on relevant keywords

At first hearing, querying the positions may seem like an easy task, since we can also manually type in our keywords and note their position within the list. In addition to the fact that this is a manual task, if we work with hundreds of keywords, it is also quite tiring.

In addition, very soon we will find that Google will block further searches and we will have to prove that we are not robots. For the above reasons, it is better to query this using software.

CaptCha codes:

This technology was developed so that the software can make sure that we have not launched a series of automated queries in the direction of Google. These Captha “puzzles” are difficult for software to solve, so presumably there is a person behind the computer who can do this task.

A professional Google position query software can decipher these codes and thus still query our rankings for hundreds or even thousands of keywords.

Captcha Verification Question - CheckMarket

Query frequency

Actually, it is not worth examining our positions on a daily basis because they do not change so quickly. Our experience is that it is sufficient to check the current keyword positions once a month or twice at most. I note here that the majority of website owners do not monitor these at all.

Selecting keywords for the query

When choosing keywords, the question arises as to how many keywords to choose and how to group these keywords. A frequently asked question on the part of a business is how many keywords to choose, either for the query or in the search engine optimization project, as an important designated keyword.

The answer we always give is that it is not necessarily the number of keywords that is important, but rather that these keywords are keywords relevant to the topic of the given business.

Then I would like to detail here how we classify the keywords. The keywords can be classified according to relevance, i.e. how well they cover the activities of our company.

In addition, keywords can be classified according to their demand, i.e. how many times the user searches for that word within a month.

The third aspect that we should examine is how difficult the task is to improve the position of the keyword, i.e. how big is the competition for that particular keyword.

Relevance, Demand, Competition

I will give you an example of this. If we assume that we have a business that deals with air conditioning cleaning. The most relevant keyword for this company will probably be air conditioning cleaning. If this company operates in Budapest, then air conditioning cleaning in Budapest can be an even more relevant keyword for it.

Although the demand for this keyword is probably much lower than the air conditioning keyword, it is still expected that a larger number of orders will be related to the air conditioning cleaning Budapest keyword than to air conditioning.

Examining the demand for the second parameter, the latter keyword is believed to have a much higher demand.

Also, if we also examine the competition situation, the competition is probably greater for more general keywords, and it will be much more difficult to achieve the result with it.

Why is a good Google ranking so important?

  • More visitors
  • Relevant visitors
  • More income
  • Users with greater purchasing power

If we want to understand why a good ranking is important and what differences certain positions show in comparison to each other in getting actual visitors, we need to examine some statistical data.

It is now a well-known fact that only less than 10% of users reach the second page in the Google search results list.
More information with data

 But you can experience big differences in the number of clicks between the results on the first page as well.

There is a big difference if our result is located at the top of the page compared to if it is at the bottom of the page. This not only shows the disadvantage of scrolling, but also means that the user who browses the results at the bottom of the page has already looked through quite a few results before us.

Our experience is that most people order from the websites that are among the first 4-5 results at the top of the results list. There is also a certain psychological factor to this. Because usually the so-called “good customers” who make decisions easily, look at a maximum of 4-5 websites and make their decision easily and decisively. Users who have looked through more than 10 results and still haven’t found the product or service they need usually have less purchasing power and perhaps it is more problematic to work with them.

The situation is further complicated by the fact that the hit list is quite complicated and complex. not only the so-called natural, but also the organic results.

Structure of the SERP – Search Engine result page

The results list At first glance, it seems quite complicated because it is made up of several different sections. You can find ads on it, normal organic results, and sometimes even map and video results.

Querying our positions can be aimed at checking the display of ads and learning about the positions of organic, otherwise known as natural results.

Organic results:

Organic results are calculated based on the quality of web pages and the strength of link networks. Of course, this makes the situation much more complicated, but that is not the topic of this article. We go around saying that we should know what position we are in for important keywords, and that’s exactly what checking the organic list is all about.

The trust index of these results is quite high on the part of the user, i.e. users have developed the image over the years that what Google shows in a good position as a natural result are “good and reliable companies”. Therefore, it is worthwhile for us to be included in this category.

Paid (Google Ads) results

At the top of the results list are the paid ads in a section. In fact, the position of these can also be queried for certain software. This information is interesting for advertisers who want to produce an appearance in 100% of cases, and it is also suitable in a good position compared to other advertisements.

MAP – Map results

Map results are not always displayed on the search engine interface. This usually appears for keywords where the map contains relevant results. For example, if I’m looking for a specific service in a specific city, such as a bakery, the system knows that a map result will probably help me the most. This is how it will display.

How is the actual position formed?

When creating the hit list, the system takes into account a few other factors, in addition to checking the content of the web page and other parameters related to search engine optimization.

For example, the number of times we have searched for a specific topic and which web pages we have visited so far in this process are important. The hit list is always customized. The system even monitors whether we are logged into our Gmail account and what area we are currently in.

Position query software

What expectations can we formulate regarding a software that queries Google positions? First of all, it is advisable if you can correctly query the position of Hungarian keywords, and the user interface also works in Hungarian.

We can also expect that the keywords can be organized in lists and that we can add the address of one or more web pages for which we want to see their position.

There are software that provide the opportunity to query not only the position of our own website, but also the positions of certain competitors.

If possible, the results can be sent by email, in a timed manner, to specified email addresses. In addition, these results can also be viewed on the system’s administrator interface.

Good software can work with as many keywords as you like without being blocked by Google.

If we find software that meets the above conditions, then all that is necessary is that it offers these services at an appropriate, i.e. reasonable for us, price.



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